Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"No good" Congress loses Net Neutrality bill..

One good thing to come from congress sitting on it's collective ass and doing nothing all year is that dumbass net neutrality bill will get crushed and forgotten. Yes Dear Ted Stevens you can take your tubes and pipes and shove them!!!!!

Net Neutrality killer bill dies Tubes to remain blocked By Charlie Demerjian: Monday 11 December 2006, 09:58

A DAFT BILL by technology wizard Senator Ted Stevens, which would have meant telecom companies could charge sites for access for the use of their 'pipes', has died a death.
The US Congress ran out of time to discuss the bill in the current session and, when a new Democratic Congress comes back from its holidays, the bill is unlikely to get a sympathetic hearing.
The presentation of the bill did manage to amuse most of the technological community as Stevens presented the Internet as a series of tubes and pipes which would get blocked if the bill never went ahead.
Eli Pariser, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, said the death of the bill was a huge victory for "real people". He said it was a clear signal to the next Congress that standing up for big bold ideas was a winning political proposition.
It has been estimated that AT&T, Verizon, BellSouth and Comcast shelled out more than $150 million to push the bill through. It looks like they would have been better putting it on a horse.
However, there is still a concern that without some law guaranteeing net neutrality it is possible that the telcos could still lobby senators to bring similar laws.


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